Weddings - those all important special touches

We pride ourselves on making each wedding and indeed every event unique.  As well as every menu being individually designed we love adding special touches.  Here are some of them shown pictorially from catered events we have planned and delivered this year.

For the wedding of Chris and Becki we used Derbyshire Lamb on a spit roast as part of the main wedding breakfast, followed by a cake of cheese decorated with a variety of our own grown flowers and herbs.  These included hops, foraged Meadowsweet, nasturiums, marigold and borage.  The evening buffet featured our Sheffield Eggs and amazing gammon from Moss Valley Farm which were served alongside the cheeses with handmade biscuits and lindseed crisps.

For a wedding in June we presented a surprise handmade pork pie decorated with the Bride and Grooms name as part of their evening buffet.  Specially bought drinks and great personal service along with our own naked wedding cake completed a great day.

By growing a variety of our own crops we can offer really interesting ingredients which would be difficult to source elsewhere.  This year we have had masses of excellent rhubarb, raspberries, plums, red and black currants as well as more unusual crops such as Oca (a South American tuber which comes in a number of colours and often has a hint of citrus flavour) as well as giant goosefoot, leaves from the small leaved lime tree, red amaranth and Vulcan flowers.  These have all helped make colourful, conversation provoking impact.